My First GoogleCode Hosted Project

It just so happens I was about to publish a small open source project. And what happens? Google let people know about Project Hosting on the same day. It had to be fate, so I put my SF application on hold and decided to give google a go.

My motives were really to check it out for a much bigger GWT based project which is still under wraps at the moment.

This is how it went:
1. I am already a Google account holder, so I assume that I skipped the first steps.
2. Filled in the create project form. [Which has changed in the 4 hours since I did it!!!] A look at other projects gave me an idea about the labels and I quickly realised that I had to make my description the entirety of the installation instructions. (Once you are in you can create links to other web pages for documentation)
3. Straight in no delay, you even get a subdomain set up instantly!
4. Fired up Eclipse (because Java is normally my thing) and checked out my source tree. Had to fiddle with the url a bit because my svn is a bit rusty. Got my generated access password and so I had a development environment within 5 minutes of the project submission.
5. Copied into the workspace all 3 of my project files. Made adjustments to the 'powered by' statement to link back to the GCH project location. And comitted.
6. Posted the roadmap as enhancement issues against the project.
7. Got bored because it was too easy.

a) It is nice and simple
b) There is not much exposure at the moment, so I am still going to create a project reference on freshmeat.net
c) Commit was slow, probably because there are some large projects being uploaded.
d) It is under active development, the create project page changed in the space of a few hours (probably because it was a security risk).

I will watch the feature enhancements as they grow.

My project : hackstop

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